Name | Element | Rarity | Weapon | Atk | Def | Life | Ability Name | Active | Special | Passive Name | Passive | Treasure Name | Treasure | Tags |
Archer of Fertility Sakuna | Wind | 3 | Bow | 4536 | 6085 | 25439 | Prayer for Fertility | Deploys a field that recovers HP every second for 5 seconds. Recovery amount: 4%. Charge time: 14/13/12s | When using a skill, it also adds an effect that damages enemies touching the field. Damage: 50% | Abundant Fruitfulness | Buff duration of units in the party | Braclet of Magic | The amount of HP regenerated is increased by 1.5 times. Chance: +10-25% | Buffer, Healer |
Bandit Gonza | Water | 1 | Sword | 4536 | 10114 | 30458 | Concentration | Raises this unit's DEF for 5 seconds. Effects: 100%/125%/150%. Charge Time: 8/7/6s | When using a skill, it further increases the DEF of you and your companions around you. Effects: 50% | Massive barrier | Damage cut rate of the units in the party +4/6/8% | Bandit King's waistcoat | DEF added to HP: effect +12-55% | Buffer |
Beast Girl Chamli | Fire | 3 | Sword | 5775 | 8436 | 31759 | Cat Punch | Scratch nearby enemies 4 times. Damage: 60/80/100%. Charge time: 4s | New skill added. Damage enemies and recovers 4% of its HP for the number of times it damages them. Damage: 450%. Charge time: 5s | Wild Power | Damage dealt: +10/15/20% | Nyanko Hand | Chance to use a skill during a normal attack. Chance: +5-15% | none |
Beast Princess Asune | Fire | 3 | Bow | 6766 | 5755 | 22278 | Cheer | Raises the ATK of all units for 5 seconds: 30/40/50%. Charge time: 7.5s/7s/6.5s | When using the skill, it also recovers his HP. Recovery Amount: 15% | Cheering | The skill charge speed of units in the party. +7/10/14% | Pretty Ribbon | Shield yourself when using a skill: +2%-6% | Buffer, Healer, Shielding |
Blue Mage William | Water | 3 | Staff | 11974 | 5575 | 12980 | Distortion | A ward that converts damage taken to one of its companions into a Shield. Conversion Rate: 20/40/60%. Charge Time: 11/10/9s | When using the skill, it also increases the attack speed of one of his companions. Effect: 50% | Shield Attack | Damage dealt by units with Shields in the party +10% | Broomstick of the Great Witch | Increased ATK of target unit when skill is used: chance +10-40% | Buffer, Shielding |
Burning Fist Glenn | Fire | 2 | Sword | 6266 | 8005 | 28039 | Fire Knuckle | Explodes the enemy with a fist of flame, putting them in a state of fire. Damage multiplier: 225/270/300%. Charge time: 5s/4.5s/4s | Enhanced skill. Strikes twice with a fist that causes the opponent to explode, and also causes the fist to go up in flames. Damage: 200%. Charge time: 4s | Incineration | Causes enemy to be set on fire by a normal attack. Chance: 5/7/10% | Fist of Explosive Flame | Attacking an enemy under fire causes an explosion. Damage: +50-200% | none |
Burst Angel Nina | Fire | 2 | Staff | 8316 | 5027 | 12238 | Love Heart Attack | Deals 3/4/5 damage to a random enemy and also burns that enemy. Damage multiplier: 175%. Charge Time: 5s | Adds a new skill. Summons a sister from another world line. Charge time 10s | Ruthless | Damage dealt to enemies with abnormal conditions: +35/52/70% | Magical Stick | Defeat an enemy and cause an explosion. change: +20-60% | Summons |
Captain Gilliam | Fire | 3 | Sword | 6516 | 12654 | 33429 | Double Slash | Shoots sonic blades twice. Damage Multiplier: 80/105/135%. Charge time: 3.5s | Adds a new skill. Using his twin swords, he slices up enemies around him. Damage: 70%. Charge Time: 5s. | Fullswing | Attack size: +6/9/12% | Meikyo Jyusui | Chance to trigger a skill when attacked by an enemy. Chance: 5-20% | none |
Drunken Master Shen | Water | 2 | Sword | 3544 | 7635 | 33059 | Dragon Water | Drinks mystic water and restores this unit's HP. Recovery amount: 16/23/30%. Charge time: 6s | When using the skill, further increases his attack speed 100% | Dragon Mark | Skill damage of the units in the party +10/15/20% | Super Divine Water | HP value added to ATK: effect +5-20% | Buffer |
Flame God Heat | Fire | 3 | Bow | 7506 | 8255 | 28228 | Primordial Flame | Burn down your surroundings with flames and set your enemies on fire. Damage: 200/300/400%. Charge time: 6s | When using a skill, it further lowers the enemy's attack power 25% | Blazing Flame | Damage by fire to units in the party +25/37/50% | Necklace of the Flame God | DEF of all Fire Attribute Units +25-75% | Buffer |
Flame Warrior Izlit | Fire | 2 | Sword | 5027 | 10114 | 33059 | Burst Force | Damage is inflicted on enemies around this unit. Damage: 550%. Charge time: 9s/7s/5s | When the skill is used, it further raises the ATK of you and your surrounding companions: +35% | Attraction | Number of Enemies attracted: +1/2/3 | Certificate of Determination | Skill recharge when taking damage: +4-12% | Buffer |
Fox Priestess Mito | Fire | 3 | Staff | 10485 | 5276 | 15210 | Metamorphose | Lightning strikes the enemies 4/4/5 times. Damage multiplier: 125/165/165. Charge time: 4.5s. | New skill added. Cast a ward on one of her companions and continues to deal damage to enemies he/she touches. Damage Multiplier 50% Charge Time: 7s | Revival | Revive only once HP 25/37/50% | Miko Hakama | Skill charge for each defeated enemy: +5-25% | none |
Great Fairy Titania | Fire | 3 | Bow | 6024 | 6886 | 22649 | Chaos Dimension | Damage enemies with magic wards and reduces their attack speed. Damage: 300/450/600%. Charge time: 6s | Adds a new skill. Rains a large number of burning rocks from the sky. Damage: 150%. Charge time: 10s | Fairy Blessing | Attack speed of the entire party: +15/22/30% | Fairy Lamp | When you apply a debuff to an enemy, you have a chance to cause it to burst into flames: chance: +10-30% | Buffer, Debuffer |
Great Sword Amie | Wind | 2 | Sword | 7015 | 8874 | 34178 | Land Slash | Slams the sword into the ground and shoots out a shockwave. Damage: 325/450/580%. Charge time: 8s. | Adds a new skill. Slams a huge sword repeatedly, attacking surrounding enemies. Dmaage: 200%. Charge time: 6s | Nioi Stand | Super Armor +1/2/3 | Power Belt | Increases ATK for 10 seconds when taking damage. Effect: +9.6% | none |
Guardian Krumm | Wind | 2 | Bow | 5526 | 6266 | 21719 | Summon Duckmen | Summons 3/4/5 Duckmans and uses them for 10 seconds. Duckman's strength depends on this unit. | New skill. Launches a white feather arrow into the enemy, damaging it an putting it in a targeted state. Charge time 3s | Forest Blessing | Damage dealt by all summoned units +5/7/10% | Super Egg | Probability to summon Big Duck Man: chance +10-25% | Buffer, Summons |
Heretical Elf Julius | Fire | 3 | Bow | 8375 | 5337 | 23578 | Automata | Activate 3/4 automata and let them attack for a certain time. Charge time: 12/12/10s | Adds a new skill. Activates the Guardian and makes it attack for a certain period of time. Charge time: 14s | Spontaneous Combustion | Causes enemy to be set on fire by a normal attack. Chance: 10/15/20% | Mage spanner | Increases automata attack speed: +15-50% | Summons |
Hunter Lockwood | Wind | 1 | Bow | 7506 | 5646 | 22703 | Rapid Arrow | Shoots the arrow three times. Damage: 120/150/192%. Charge time 3s. | Enhanced skill. Shoots 3 consecutive arrows that pierce the enemy. Damage 192%. Charge time: 3s | Vigor of Wind | HP of Wind-Type units in party: +10/15/20% | Bandana of the Hunter | Increases ATK until the area is cleared when you kill an enemy. Effect: +2-5% | Buffer |
Ice Warrior Emilia | Water | 2 | Sword | 5276 | 12096 | 25439 | Ice Field | Creates an ice ward and damages enemies, then freezes them in place. Damage Multiplier: 200/250/300%.. Charge Time: 5/4.5/4s | Added a new skill. It fires a blade of ice, damaging and freezing the enemy. Damage Multiplier: 350%. Charge time: 5s | Icing | Freeze an enemy with a normal attack. Chance: 7/10/14% | Ice Blade | Increased damage dealt to frozen enemies: effect: +75-250% | Debuffer |
Magic Cannon Leicestershire | Wind | 3 | Staff | 12965 | 4036 | 12980 | Buster Beam | Shoots a beam of light, damaging enemies in the line of fire for a certain period of time. Damage Multiplier: 10% Charge Time: 5s | Added a new skill, Summons a sister from another world line. Charge Time: 10s | Domineering | Critical damage: +40/60/80% | Magic Cannon Brooch | Attack size +30-90% | Summons, Critical |
Masked Hero Judge | Wind | 3 | Sword | 5526 | 9676 | 3359 | Power Shield | Gives this unit a shield: 20/22/25%. Charge Time 10s/9s/8s | When using the skill, it further lowers the ATK of surrounding enemies 30% | Massive barrier | The damage cut rate of the units in the party: +5/7/10% | Mask of Hannya | Increased ATK based on the amount of shield: +42% | Buffer |
Mercenary Mercedes | Wind | 1 | Sword | 5027 | 12216 | 28039 | Provocation | Provokes enemies and lowers their DEF for 5 seconds. Effect: 40/60/80%. Charge time: 6s. | When using a skill, it further reduces the enemy's attack speed by 40%. | Ruthless | Damage dealt to enemies with abnormal conditions: +25/37/50% | Whip of Sanction | Skill charge for each defeated enemy: +5-25% | Debuffer |
Oni Mugen | Water | 3 | Sword | 6327 | 13025 | 38079 | Power of Ogre | Releases the power of the demon and raises the ATK of this unit for 5 seconds. Effect: 50/75/100%. Charge Time: 6.5s | New skill. Releases the demon's power, turning normal attacks into ranged attacks for a certain amount of time. Charge Time: 10s | God's speed | Attack speed +15/22/30% | Hand of the Demon | 5% chance of recovering HP from a normal attack: chance: +5-20% | |
Raizen | Fire | 3 | Staff | 8005 | 6024 | 17440 | Greedy Thunder | Grants the leader unit a thundercloud that fires a follow-up attack each time it attacks for 6/8/10 seconds. Damage Multiplier: 80/120/165% Charge Time: 10s | It damages an enemy, and if another enemy is nearby, it releases a lightning ball that reflects off that enemy+ Damage Multiplier: 200% Charge Time: 5s | Electrification | Specials and skills are charged at the start of the area: 50/75/100% | Mark of the Thunder Emperor | Each time Greedy Thunder Hammer is activated, the DEF of the target is increased: +10-30% | Buffer |
Rosalind the Red Healer | Wind | 2 | Staff | 7015 | 6024 | 15580 | Heal | Recovers HP of one unit: +20/25/30%. Charge time: 7s/6.5s/6s | When using the skill, it also grants a shield to one or more companion: 8%. | abuse | Summoning time of all units +2/3/4s | Angel Ring | Chance to use a skill again after using it. Chance: 10-25% | Buffer, Healer, Summons, Shielding |
Royal Guard Schneider | Wind | 2 | Bow | 8996 | 8746 | 20790 | Acid Bomb | Throws a mysterious chemical at enemies, damaging them and slightly/greatly lowering their DEF for 3 seconds. Damage: 120/170/220%. Charge time: 4s | New skill added. Throws a mysterious chemical at the enemy, dealing damage and slightly lowering ATK for 3 seconds. Damage 220%. Charge time 4s | Armor break | Defenses of enemies lowered by normal attacks. Chance 7/10/14% | Forbidden Concoction | Defeat debuffed enemies to shorten skill recharge time. Effect: +10-25% | Debuffer |
Saint Charlotte | Water | 3 | Staff | 5526 | 6395 | 16699 | All Heal | Recovers HP of all units. Recovery Amount: 15%. Charge time: 13/11.5/10s | Enhanced skill. Recovers the HP of all companions. Recovery Amount: 15%. Charge time: 9s | Purification | Debuff Disable: 25/37/50% | Statue of Goddess | Revives the first comrade who dies: Resusitation HP amount +25-75% | Healer |
Saint Knight Brunnhilde | Water | 3 | Sword | 5167 | 11286 | 26739 | Blessing of Protection | Gives holy blessings and raises the DEF of all units for 5 seconds. Effect: 50/100/150%. Charge Time: 8/7.5/7s | Enhanced skill. Gives a holy blessing and raises the DEF of all companions for 5 seconds. Effect: 175%. Charge Time: 7s | Water blessing | ATK of Water-type units in the party +10/15/20% | Rosary of the Holy Knight | Increased DEF when HP falls below 30% until the area is cleared: +18-70% | Buffer |
Samurai Shishio | Wind | 3 | Sword | 5336 | 11354 | 18000 | Swallow Reversal | When attacked, it nullifies the damage and launches a double attack. Damage: 145/180/220%. Charge time: 4s/3.5s/3s | When using this skill, the player's ATK will be increased. Effect: 100% | Avoidance | Evasion rate: +10/15/20% | Memento of Shogun | Increased DEF for 8 seconds after skill activation. Effect: +10-30% | none |
Scavenger Leanwood | Wind | 1 | Bow | 6024 | 6266 | 14280 | Arrow Rain | Shoots arrows into the sky above and let them rain down on the enemy. Damage: 125/170/210%. Charge time: 6s. | Enhanced skill. Shoots 8 arrows into the sky and sends them raining down on the enemy at high speed. Damage: 210%. Charge time: 6s | Wrath of Wind | Damage to all Water-type units: +10/15/20% | Elven Arrowhead | Chance to use a skill during a normal attack: chance +5-15% | none |
Selfish Princess Zeta | Water | 3 | Sword | 3915 | 9555 | 29899 | The Order of the Crown Princess | Targets surrounding enemies. All attacks on targeted enemies will be critical. Charge Time 10/9/8s | When using a skil, increases the ATK of one more comrade. Effect: 25% | Adrenaline | Critical hits restore HP: +3.0/4.5/6.0% | Royal Tiara | HP recovery of the unit that defeated a targeted enemy: +1-5% | Critical, Buffer |
Shaman Sham Khan | Fire | 1 | Staff | 8316 | 5027 | 19670 | Fire Field | Sets of a magic circle of burning flames and inflicts damage for a certain period of time. Damage: 28/34/40%. Charge time: 5s | Enhanced skill. Places a huge magic circle of blazing fire, damaging and inflaming for a certain period of time. Damage: 40%. Charge time: 5s. | Selfless | Penetration count: +1/2/3 | Flame stone | Causes enemy to be set on fire by a normal attack. Chance: +30-50% | Debuffer |
Silver Snow Hilbert | Water | 2 | Staff | 10976 | 4286 | 14469 | Blizzard | The blizzard damages and even freezes enemies. Damage Multiplier: 20/30/40%. Charge time: 13/11/9s | New Skill. Unleashes ice magic, dealing damage and also freezing the user. Damage Multiplier: 130%. Charge time: 5s | Ruthless | Critical damage of units in the party. +30/45/60% | Frozen Necklace | Extends freezing time: +0.5-2.5s | Debuffer, Critical |
Sorcerer Housen | Water | 2 | Bow | 9255 | 6886 | 24879 | Exorcism Bell | Damages enemies with an amulet bell and lowers/greatly lowers/very significantly lowers their ATK for 3 seconds. Damage Multiplier: 180/260/340%. Charge time: 5s | New skill added. Creates a special ward and grants a shield to friends inside for every second. Effects: 4%. Charge Time: 9s | Blessing of Power | Damage dealt by units in the party: +4/6/8% | Demon Talisman | Instant kill mooks: chance: 4-20% | Debuffer, Buffer, Shielding |
Sorceress Alex | Water | 1 | Staff | 9986 | 3295 | 15632 | Protection | Shield is granted to a single unit. Amount: 10/14/18%. Charge Time: 5s. | Added new skill. Shoots a beam from the puppet Rabbi. Damage Multiplier: 13%. Charge Time: 4s | Vigor of Water | HP of Water-type units in the party. +10/15/20% | Magic Scriptures | Chance to use a skill during a normal attack. Chance: +5-15% | Shielding |
Summoner Shizmar | Wind | 1 | Bow | 5276 | 7196 | 15210 | Summon the Flame | Summons a flame fiend and uses it for 10 seconds. The strength of the flame fiend depends on this unit. Charge time 10/9/8s. | Enhanced skill. Summons a super demon of flame and uses it for 10 seconds. Charge time 8s. | Secret art | Summoning time of units +3/4/6s | Karmic Flame Bills | Summons 2 flame demons. Chance: +10-35% | Summons |
Sword Saint Iloha | Wind | 3 | Sword | 7506 | 9306 | 23020 | Iai-kiri | Damages enemies with a powerful slash and lowers their ATK slightly/significantly for 3 seconds. Damage: 280%/375%/500%. Charge time: 7s | Adds a new skill. When attacked, it negates damage and launches a double attack. Damage: 125%. Charge time: 8.5s | passive barrier | Damage Cut Ratio +4/6/8% | Murasama | Chance to use a skill again after using it. Chance: +10-35% | Debuffer |
The Blue Mage Reisner | Water | 2 | Staff | 11974 | 5526 | 16699 | Maelstrom | Creates a whirlpool and inflicts damage to enemies fot a certain period of time. Damage Multiplier: 10%. Charge Time: 6/6/4s | New skill added. Creates two whirlpools around you. Damage Multiplier: 100%. Charge Time: 5s | Wrath of Water | Damage to all Fire-type units +20% | Mirror of the Sucker | HP recovery when attacked while using a skill: +4-20% | |
The Great Apprentice Joshua | Fire | 1 | Staff | 11165 | 3855 | 13721 | Comet | Drops a meteorite and damages enemies. Damage: 225/255/280%. Charge time: 10/8.5/8.5s | Enhanced skill. Drops a meteorite 3 times, dealing damage. Damage multiplier: 150%. Charge time: 8.5s | Wrath of Fire | Damage to all Wind-type units: +10/15/20% | Philosopher's Hat | Increased damage dealt to enemies on fire: +50-100% | none |
The Lost Elf Palmwood | Fire | 1 | Bow | 9736 | 4406 | 15210 | Bomber Arrow | Shoots an exploding arrow and blows away the enemy. Damage: 240/255/320%. Charge time: 7s/5s/5s | Enhanced skill. Shoots three exploding arrows and blows away enemies. Damage: 215%. Charge time: 5s | Clear aim | Skill damage: +25/37/50% | Dynamite | Attack size: +40-80% | none |
Tropical Archer Ranaprana | Fire | 2 | Bow | 10485 | 5337 | 18000 | Wind Burst | Rampant shooting of 5/6/7 arrows. Damage multiplier: 40/50/60%. Charge time: 5.5s/5.5s/5.0s | New skill added. Shoots a huge wind projectile. Damage multiplier: 300%. Charge time: 8s | Clear aim | Skill damage: +15/22/30% | Ornament of Fortune | Reduces skill charge time on a critical hit: +16.6% | Critical |
Warrior Jazz | Water | 1 | Sword | 5027 | 8436 | 25439 | Axe Throw | Throw a huge axe at the enemy. Damage Multiplier: 300/400/500%. Charge Time: 6s | New skill added. Throws a huge axe and blows up the surrounding area. Damage Multiplier: 600%. Charge time: 9s | Super Charge | Skill Charge Speed: +10/15/20% | Ruby Earrings | Critical hits restore HP: effect +2.5-10% | Critical |
Warrior Samson | Fire | 1 | Sword | 5646 | 8625 | 27481 | Muscle Pose | Raises the ATK of this unit and surrounding units for 5 seconds. Effect: 35/45/55%. Charge time: 8s | When using a skill, it also grants a shield to you and your companions around you. Effect: 10% | Vitality of Fire | HP of Fire-Type units in party: +10/15/20% | Magic Protein | Increased ATK when HP falls below 30% until the area is cleared: +10-40% | Buffer, Shielding |
Water God Aries | Water | 3 | Staff | 9986 | 5956 | 16140 | Water of Life | Recovers the HP of one of your friends. The recovery is done 3 times. Recovery Amount: 10/15/20%. Charge time 9s | Adds a new skill. Scatters 6 water bombs around the area. Damage Multiplier: 65%. Charge Time: 5.5s | Super Recovery | Recovery to opponents with less than 30 HP: +25/37/50% | Necklace of the Water God | DEF of all Water Attribute Units +25-75% | Healer |
Water Priestess Meilin | Water | 3 | Staff | 13955 | 6516 | 17069 | Earth Splash | Produce a column of water at the feet of the enemy. Damage Multiplier: 80/120/165%. Charge Time: 3.5s | When using the skill, the DEF of surrounding companions will be increased. Effect: 25% | Utter Gutsiness | Damage Cut Ratio +8/12/16% | Crystal of the Water Goddess | Reduces skill charge time on a critical hit: chance +10-50% | Buffer, Critical |
White Silver Bow Karen | Water | 3 | Bow | 10114 | 8127 | 17069 | Freeze Shot | Shoots frozen arrows to damage enemies and also freeze them. Damage Multiplier: 260/350/455%. Charge Time: 7s | Added a new skill. Shoots 3 arrows with cold air to inflict damage and also has a 50% chance of freezing. Damage Multiplier: 150%. Charge Time: 6s | Super Charge | Skill Charge Speed: +10/15/20% | Mystical Arrow | Increases ATK when attacking frozen enemies until the area is cleared: effect +1.0-5.0% | Debuffer |
White Wolf Nimue | Wind | 3 | Bow | 6573 | 6766 | 18929 | Summon Wolf King | Summons a white wolf and uses it for 10 seconds. The strength of the white wolf depends on this unit. Charge Time: 13s/11.7s/10.5s | Added a new skill, Recovers HP of one of his companions. Recovery Amount: 10% Charge Time: 8s | Wind blessing | ATK of Wind-type units in party: +10/15/20% | Claw Marks of the Wolf King | Summons Wolf King Ulug with probability: +10-30% | Summons, Healer, Buffer |
Wind God Windy | Wind | 3 | Sword | 4036 | 10606 | 35478 | Embrace of the Goddess | For 3 seconds, your friends' damage is reduced to 1/10 of the damage you take, Charge time: 9s/8s/7s | When using a skill, the ATK of all companions will be increasaed each time they take more damage. Effects: 5% | Vitality | Healing +15/22/30% | Necklace of the Wind God | DEF of all Wind Attribute Units +25-75% | Buffer |
Wind Ninja Asuka | Wind | 3 | Bow | 6766 | 9056 | 18929 | The Art of the Tornado | Create 4/5/6 tornadoes that circle around you. Damage: 50%. Charge time: 10/9/8s. | Adds a new skill: throws 6 kunai in rapid succession. Damage: 100%. Charge time: 5s | sprint | Movement speed of units in the party: +6/9/12% | Ninja costume | Increase skill maintenance time: +0.5-2.5s | Buffer |
Wind Warrior Leia | Wind | 2 | Sword | 6266 | 8436 | 23020 | Hurricane Blade | Generates a tornado and inflicts damage to enemies for a certain period of time. Damage multiplier: 20%/30%/40%. Charge time 5s. | Adds a new skill. Wraps her body in a cloak of ice, dealing damage to enemies she touches. Damage multiplier: 20%. Charge time 8s | Fatal Wounds | Critical Rate: +12/18/24% | Wind Book of Secrets | Reduces skill charge time: effect: +10-20% | Critical |
Witch Cherry Belle | Water | 1 | Staff | 9185 | 4036 | 12980 | Miracle Dance | Speeds up the attack speed of all units for 5 seconds. Effect: 70/85/100%. Charge Time: 6.5/5/5.5s | Enhanced Skill: speeds up the attack speed of all companions for 5 seconds. Effect: 130%. Charge Time: 5.5s | Lucky Star | Critical Rate of the units in the party. +5/7/10% | Superstar | Increases the ATK of the entire party when attacked while using a skill. Effect +2-8% | Buffer, Critical |
Yin-Yang Master Kurokage | Fire | 3 | Staff | 11794 | 5526 | 18929 | Tag of Protection | Shield to all units: 8/10/12% | Raises the DEF of one additional companion when the skill is used: +30% | fire blessing | ATK of Fire-type units in the party: +10/15/20% | Jet-black mask | Shield amount granted is increased by 1.5 times: chance: +6-30% | Buffer, Shielding |
Showing 1 to 51 of 51 entries