Play RPGs


Name Description Calculations Stacks?
Life The amount of damage you can take before dying Yes
Damage The amount of damage you deal per hit, before factoring in enemy defense or bonuses Yes
Defense Reduces incoming damage, relative to enemy damage. When your defense equals enemy damage, you reduce by 1/2. When defense is 2x damage, you reduce incoming by 2/3%. At 3x, reduce by 3/4, etc Yes
Dexterity Determines accuracy, evasion, crit chance & crit damage Each point of dexterity increases accuracy by 1 and evasion by 0.5. Yes
Luck Increases drop rate and gold drop, logarithmically. Every 2 orders of magnitude increases gold and drop rates by +50%. Yes
Accuracy Yes
Accuracy Likelihood to hit, based on enemy level. Hit rate is 90% when acc = enemy level (+ 100) Yes
Evasion Likelihood to dodge, based on enemy level. Dodge rate is 10% when eva = enemy level (+100). Max dodge rate is 80%. Yes
Crit A chance to critically hit for your crit damage. Initially 10% chance. Dex increases crit chance logarithmically at 5% per x10 (1k dex = +10%, 100k dex = +20%, etc) Yes
Crit Damage The amount of damage dealt on critical hit. Dex increases crit damage logarithmically at 10% per x10. (1k dex = +20%, 100k dex = +30%, etc) Yes
Dmg@ element Increases the total damage dealt by a certain percent. Yes
Res@ Increases resistance against a damage type. 100 res = 50% reduction. 200res = 66% reduction, etc Yes
Double Hit A chance to hit twice per attack Yes
Quadruple Hit A chance to hit four times per attack If a quadruple hit occurs, Double Hit cannot also activate Yes
Double Attack A chance to attack twice per turn Yes
Double Turn A chance to take another turn before your opponent goes again Yes
% for x10 Dmg (Harm Touch) A chance for a hit to deal 10x damage instead of the normal amount. Cannot crit. No
Life Regen Heals a percentage of your max life each turn. Yes
Lifesteal Heals you for a percentage of all damage dealt with hits. No
Survive Deaths Survive a number of otherwise fatal attacks per battle with 1 life instead of losing. No
Reflect Damage (Thorns) Reflects a percentage of the enemy's attack damage back to them Reflects damage amount before defense or resistance is applied. Thorns damage ignores enemy defense. Does not trigger if you evade. Yes
Bonus stats/points per level Every time you gain a level, gain extra stat points or stats The effect is permanent within the game, even after removing item. Item must be equipped when level is gained. No
Move Speed Increases movement rate on the world map No
Block Provides a percent chance to fully block incoming damage. No
EXP % Provides a bonus to experience gain Yes
Gold % Provides a bonus to gold gain from defeating enemies Yes
Item Drop Provides a bonus to the chance to find an item after defeating an enemy Yes
EXP or Gold Focus Provides bonus EXP or Gold at the end of a battle, but increases the energy cost per battle The EXP or Gold bonus is multiplicative with all other bonuses. No
Enemy Bonuses: General Provides an 8% chance that an enemy will gain a one-time bonuses upon spawning. Summoning an enemy doubles the chance up to 16%. 12% of all bonus values will be doubled. Yes
Enemy Bonuses: EXP % Provides a multiplicative bonus to EXP gained from an enemy for one battle. 45% of enemy bonuses will be EXP. +100% (60% chance) or +200% (40% chance). Yes
Enemy Bonus: DropRate % Provides a multiplicative bonus to Drop Rate for an enemy for one battle. 29% of enemy bonuses will be DropRate. +100% (75% chance) or +200% (25% chance). Yes
Enemy Bonus: Gold % Provides a multiplicative bonus to Gold gained from an enemy for one battle. 26% of enemy bonuses will be Gold. +100% (75% chance) or +200% (25% chance). Yes
Underlevel Bonus If you defeat an enemy while lower level, you get bonus EXP, multiplicative with all other bonuses. 3x EXP when you are 3.6x lower level. The bonus falls off linearly until you are 1.2x lower level Yes